Summer Reading and Summer Storytime Sign-up will be starting the first week in June! There is 2 ways to sign-up; on our website or in person. There will be a few “On the Lawn” activities through out the summer which include crafts, animals, Story Stroll and more!
Summer Reading will be Grab and Go Bags this year.
Summer Storytime with be Virtual Storytime with Grab and Go Craft bags. Storytime with be posted every Wednesday morning at 10am on our Library Facebook.
Summer Reading Kick-Off is June 19 at 10 am with a Color Splash! More information will be posted next week.
Be on the look out for a few additional programs that will be “On the Lawn.” Let’s Draw Together! will be on the lawn under a tree at the library. This is a self-directed activity that will have a backyard animals drawing steps and facts about the animal. Paws to Read will be on the lawn through out the summer. Children can schedule a time to come and read to a therapy dog. More information to come next week on both these programs!
Looking for a Virtual Program? Our Adventure Reading Buddy Virtual Program is that. Come adpot a Reading Buddy and take him home for our summer adventure. He loves to be read to and to explore new places. More Information on this next week!