DPL Wraps Up Bi-Sesqui-Centennial Celebrations


Dansville Public Library recently wrapped up its 100 Years in 100 Days celebration of its bi-sesqui-centennial anniversaries with two public events: a commemorative oak tree planting, and an evening Night in the Stacks speakeasy party. Below you can find the program from the tree planting, links to the speeches/remarks from the event, and images from both the tree planting and speakeasy.

We would like to recognize and thank the awesome community businesses who partnered with us to make these events so memorable.

For pictures of the Commemorative Tree Planting, click here.
For pictures of the Night in the Stacks Speakeasy, click here.

Smithsonian poster exhibit at DPL

Dansville Public Library to Present Smithsonian Poster Exhibit/
Program Encouraging Dialogue on Positive Social Change

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead (1901-1978), anthropologist

As the world has become more interconnected, it is more important than ever to inspire people of all ages to create positive social change. The Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) has partnered with the educational organization Facing History and Ourselves to dramatically increase access to the themes and content presented in its national initiative “Choosing to Participate” with poster exhibition designed to encourage dialogue, engagement, respect, and participation in classrooms and communities.

The posters will be on view at Dansville Public Library’s Shepard Foyer from October 1 through November 5.

Developed for middle school and high school students, the posters are intended to inspire people of all ages to create positive social change. The posters present the experiences of individuals and communities, explore the impact of cultural differences, and encourage viewers to consider the consequences of everyday choices—to discover how “little things are big”—and to make a difference in their own communities.

These graphically compelling colorful posters are being distributed at no cost to schools, libraries, museums, and community organizations through partnerships including Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the American Library Association.

Founded in 1976, Facing History and Ourselves is an international educational and professional development nonprofit organization whose mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and antisemitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry. By studying the historical development of the Holocaust and other examples of genocide, students make the essential connection between history and the moral choices they confront in their own lives. For more information, visit www.facinghistory.org.

SITES has been sharing the wealth of Smithsonian collections and research programs with millions of people outside Washington, D.C., for more than 70 years. SITES connects Americans to their shared cultural heritage through a wide range of exhibitions about art, science, and history, which are shown wherever people live, work and play. For exhibition descriptions and tour schedules, visit www.sites.si.edu.

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The Choosing to Participate poster exhibition at the Dansville Public Library was made possible through the support of the Dansville Women’s Civic Club.

DPL participates with OWWL in annual Great Give Back

OWWL Libraries Helping to Give Back This Fall

(Friday, September 20, 2024) Canandaigua, NY — This fall OWWL Libraries will once again take part in The Great Give Back, an annual opportunity for patrons to engage in meaningful, service-oriented experiences. What began as a local initiative on Long Island in 2017, The Great Give Back has expanded across New York State with over 300 libraries expected to participate in 2024.

According to the National Diaper Bank Network, 1 in 2 families in the United States struggles to afford diapers. To address this critical need, twenty-six libraries across Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston Counties have elected to host diaper drives for this year’s Great Give Back project. Collections begin Saturday, September 23 and conclude on Saturday, October 19. Donated items should be new and can include disposable diapers, reusable and cloth diapers, pull-ups, training pants, wipes, and diaper creams.

The Livonia Public Library has participated in The Great Give Back for several years and is particularly excited about this year’s project. According to library director Shamika Fusco, “We understand the importance of serving our community and providing opportunities for those facing life’s challenges to get ahead. This year‘s focus on diapering supplies is particularly heartwarming, and we are thrilled to join together to make a meaningful difference!”

Marion Public Library director Tracy Whitney agrees. “This year we will be collecting donations of new diapers and diapering supplies to help area families in need. While efforts are always on serving our community and building relationships, the exciting thing about this initiative is that it invites our patrons to help us make a difference with kindness and generosity, strengthening our caring community spirit.”

Each library will choose a local organization to give the donated items to, such as food banks, shelters, child care centers, or health clinics to best support local families in need. For more information, visit http://owwl.org/tggb.

Press release information from OWWL. [https://owwl.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024-The-Great-Give-Back-Press-Release.pdf]

News Media: For more information, contact Suzanne Macaulay, Program Director, OWWL Library System, at 585-394-8260 x1106 or communications@owwl.org

One Book, OWWL Kids program going on now!

Each year, the OWWL library system provides a system-wide program to engage our young readers and their families: One Book, OWWL Kids. Whether it’s a unique, singular event, or an on-going take-and-make activity, each participating family gets their own copy of that year’s book as well as the themed activity that goes with it.

This year’s OBOK book is Finding Kindness by Deborah Underwood. It is accompanied by specially selected rocks that can be painted specifically to help spread kindness; we recommend putting your rocks around your home as a reminder, or leaving them at the library so we may add them to our garden out front. For those who didn’t attend our special spring break storytime featuring the book, you can still participate by signing up and coming in for your program package to complete at the library or at home.

Sign up today and come in to get your materials!

This program is first come, first served, and is limited to 24 families. It runs through the end of April.

One Book, OWWL Kids logo with cartoon owl reading the book Finding Kindness

Claim free glasses for the April eclipse

Who can get glasses?

    Any community member is welcome to sign up to claim up to 3 pairs of special eclipse glasses for their household. You do not need to have a library card. (Although, you know we’d love it if everyone, ever, had a library card.)

What do you get?

    In addition to up to 3 pairs of eclipse glasses, each packet will include a flyer explaining the science of the eclipse and when it will occur. There will also be a flyer outlining the special eclipse activities available at our library leading up to the eclipse.

How do you get all that?

    Sign up for your household’s packet using the form below. Once you’ve completed the form, come in to the library to pick up your packet at the circulation desk. That’s it.

>> Click here to access the form.
This form is available starting at 12:01am on Friday, March 1, 2024.

Be sure to check out our eclipse programming leading up to the event!